健康貼士 (2)

Some Sensible Advice One of my friends sent me this email which may help us all get a better grip on how to manage this pandemic without turning it into a panic. I have modified it slightly in a few places. Finally something practical and honest from the Head of the...


主內聖基道堂兄姊: 願主的平安與你們同在!在此預祝各位爸爸,父親節快樂!盼望你們在郵箱內都收到本堂寄出的父親節禮物! 每主日11時我們繼續在謝法政家舉行現場直播崇拜。大家可在網上崇拜及奉獻。請在教會網址 上觀看。 網上茶聚 – 我們明天有聯合茶聚慶祝父親節。歡迎大家參加!透過 Zoom 的平台,大家拿杯茶或咖啡,在崇拜後有個相會。請上網: 然後輸入密碼「490」。你也可至電1-647-374-4685...