St. Christopher’s Church is a parish in the Anglican tradition, a denomination in the Christian Church. Through the principle of “via media”, Anglicanism continues many of the traditions of the Church established by Jesus Christ, spreading and living the love of God and redemption of Jesus Christ.
Rooted in English, the world-wide Anglican Communion now has more than 80 million members in 164 countries. In the Diocese of Toronto alone, there are 250 parishes. St. Christopher’s Anglican Church is one of the four Chinese parishes in the diocese.
The Anglican faith is historical and orthodox. Based on the teaching of the Holy Bible, guided by the Holy Spirit, and bringing relevance to different generations, it conveys the eternal truth and great love of God. According to the creeds of the catholic church, Anglicans believe in the Trinitarian God, with God the Father the creator, God the Son incarnate who died on the cross for the forgiveness of sins and reconciliation of God and humanity, and God the Holy Spirit is working in our midst today, helping us to live fulfilling lives in the grace of God.
Characteristics of Anglicanism include emphasis on:
– The tradition of the historical and episcopal church and the doctrines of the reformed tradition.
– The balance of Bible, church tradition and reasons.
– Liturgical worship with the congregation’s participation, piety and nurturing growth in life.
– The corporate life of the faith community as well as personal spiritual life.
– Improving the society and serving all people in Christ’s name.