Why is the creed always read in Anglican worship?

Q: Why is the creed always read in Anglican worship? A: According to the tradition of the Church, when Christians gather to worship God, the creed is read to remind those gathered what the Christian faith is about. The creed is a summary of our faith that states what...

Does eternal life begin only after one has died?

Q: Does eternal life begin only after one has died? A: It is clearly written in the Bible that eternal life from God begins in this life when we accept Jesus Christ as our Saviour and Lord (John 5:24, Luke 19:9). However, God’s promise of joy, peace and freedom cannot...

2011 Theme

Theme 2011: In Thanksgiving & Dedication, We Share God’ s Good News This year while we are celebrating our 20th anniversary, let us thank God for His grace, with His spirit renew and re-commit ourselves to spread the Good News, leading more people to hear...

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