Parish Nursing Tip (2)

Some Sensible Advice One of my friends sent me this email which may help us all get a better grip on how to manage this pandemic without turning it into a panic. I have modified it slightly in a few places. Finally something practical and honest from the Head of the...

Recent News

May the peace of Christ be with you! Happy Father’s Day to all the fathers! Our online English and Cantonese service continues to be held at 11 a.m. at Canon Der’s home. You can join the service online and also make offerings. Virtual Tea &...

Health Tips

Tri-Church Parish Nurse, Margaret Black, would like to offer some health tips during this pandemic. Wishing you good health! Health Tip – Wk of Apr. 12 Protect your Physical Health – eat regular, healthy meals; get some exercise; get enough sleep; drink...

Current activities

During this pandemic, most church activities have moved to online: 1. Please join our Sunday English and Cantonese worship at 11 a.m. here at 2.English Compass Youth Group Every Friday 7 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. Join us at, enter...

Sunday Worship

During this pandemic, please join our English and Cantonese bilingual live streaming Sunday Worship at 11 a.m. via our website or phone-in with following instruction: call – 1 647 374 4685 or 1 647 558 0588, then enter meeting ID, plus “#” For meeting ID, please...